6 minute read

I have been using Laravel Dusk for my e2e tests for some time, but the problem I have with it is that it is really slow. A couple of years ago I started playing with Cypress and I found it, honestly, a joy to work with. I really like its Test Runner and the fact you can “go back” to each step in your test. On the other hand, I really missed the easiness of writing the tests for Dusk, as they are in PHP and basically follow from PHPUnit. But, that was a small price to pay for an overall much better experience.

Therefore I recently embark in a project to port all my Dusk tests to Cypress. The first step though was to setup my Laravel project AND my CI pipeline to run Cypress tests.

My environment

My development machine is a Mac, and I use Docker and Laravel Sail, because I don’t want to install many tools on my machine. I like the idea of keeping everything in containers and separate from the host, although I had to make a small exception for this project, as we will see.

  • Laravel 9.15
  • Laravel Sail 1.13

Objectives and requirements

The objectives for this project, as I’m sure you can guess, were to be able to run Cypress Test Runner locally and run all my Cypress tests during my CI pipeline, which in my case is a GitHub Action Workflow.

The requirements were to do all this in container, as much as possible, and with the latest version of Cypress, which was 10.0.1 at the time. This meant I didn’t want to install Cypress as a node modules, so no npm install cypress.

Local development

There are already Docker images available to run Cypress, but to be able to run its Test Runner you need to do some more work.

To get started I follow the excellent article Run Cypress with a single Docker command by Gleb Bahmutov. It was a great starting point but not quite right for me, especially when it comes to run the Test Runner.

The main difference was that the article suggest running the container directly, while I wanted to add everything in my already existing docker-compose.yml file, since I already have one for Laravel Sail.

This is how I have defined the service in docker-compose.yml:

    image: 'cypress/included:10.0.1'
      - 'on-demand-only'
      - '.:/e2e'
      - '/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix'
    working_dir: '/e2e'
      - CYPRESS_baseUrl=http://laravel.test
      - CYPRESS_VIDEO=false
      - DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0
      - sail
      - laravel.test
    entrypoint: cypress

Let me explain some of the specs.

  • I used profiles to avoid spinning up the container when I run sail up as the cypress container would only be used on-demand.
  • The two volumes are necessary for Cypress itself and for its Test Runner.
  • The baseUrl must be name of the service for your site as defined inside the docker-compose.yml file, as both container will run on the same network, sail in this case.
  • The DISPLAY environment variable is for the host machine, using the Docker special address host.docker.internal.
  • Finally, the entrypoint is set to just cypress so that I can use any Cypress command when starting the container.

Now, following that article you still need to install XQuartz on my Mac (this is the little exception I made to my “no local install” policy) and set it to allow connections from network clients. But the rest of the instructions did not work for me.

Everytime I tried to run xhost to allow connection I had the /usr/X11/bin/xhost: unable to open display "" error message. It turned out I needed to set the DISPLAY before allowing the connection with xhost and not before starting the container. Not only that, but if I tried and set DISPLAY=$IP:0 I had the /usr/X11/bin/xhost: unable to open display "" error message.

And although DISPLAY=:0 /usr/X11/bin/xhost + $IP did not return any error, it didn’t work either. When I started the container it exited immediately with the Missing X server or $DISPLAY error message. What instead worked for me was to get rid of $IP altogether and use DISPLAY=:0 /usr/X11/bin/xhost +. This does allow connections from any host, but given I am not on a public network and that I normally close XQuartz anyway when I am done with development, I didn’t see it as a big security risk. By the way, the fact it didn’t work may have had something to do with how I set the DISPLAY variable in the docker-compose.yml file, but I didn’t want to spend too much time finding out exactly why. I had a working solution and I was happy with it.

So, in the end, to run the Test Runner on my local development machine, what I need to do is

  1. Start XQuartz (don’t forget it)
  2. Allow connections DISPLAY=:0 /usr/X11/bin/xhost +
  3. Start the container sail run -it --rm cypress open --project .

GitHub Action

I said earlier that one of my objective was to be able to run the Cypress tests during my CI pipeline. I use GitHub Actions for that and I already had a workflow set up for my PHPUnit and Dusk tests. My workflow has a job to build a matrix, and another to install packages and build artifacts which are then cached and reused. My tests jobs depends on these two.

This posed a small problem. Cypress needs to be installed before running, even when using a Docker image. Since this needs to happen every time the workflow runs it made sense to try and cache it. Cypress is installed as a Node package and therefore it made sense to cache it with the other Node modules.

So, my steps to cache both my Node modules and Cypress looks like the following

      - name: Cache node modules
        id: cache-node-modules
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: |
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-php-${{ matrix.php-versions }}-build-${{ env.node-modules-cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
      - if: steps.cache-composer-packages.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
        run: npm install
      - name: Install Cypress
        run: npm i cypress
      - name: Verify Cypress
        uses: cypress-io/github-action@v4
          runTests: false

The addition for Cypress were

  • the ~/.cache/Cypress directory
  • the installation of Cypress with npm i cypress
  • the verification of it using the cypress-io/github-action@v4. Note the runTests: false to avoid, well, running the tests

Finally, I was ready to add the job to run the tests. I have remove some of the steps that are not relevant here, like checking out the code and restoring the caches:

      - name: Run Laravel Server
        run: php artisan serve &

      - name: Run Cypress Tests
        id: cypress-tests
        uses: cypress-io/github-action@v4
          install: false
          wait-on: ''
          config: baseUrl=
          config-file: ./cypress.config.js
          record: true
          project: ./

      - name: Upload screenshots
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        if: failure()
          name: ${{ github.job }}-screenshots
          path: cypress/screenshots

      - name: Upload videos
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        if: failure()
          name: ${{ github.job }}-videos
          path: cypress/videos

Note that:

  • we instruct the docker image not to install Cypress with install: false, as the installation already happened and it was cached
  • we must explicitly point to our own Cypress configuration file with config-file: ./cypress.config.js
  • we must override the configuration value of baseUrl as we are now using a PHP server to serve our site for testing


I’m very happy about how things turned out. I am now able to run the test locally using the Cypress Test Runner, which is one of my favourite things about Cypress. The tests are also automatically run during my CI pipeline in GitHub.

I have created a Git Gist with the content of some of the files.

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